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History of War Magazine History of War Wars of the Roses Speciale Editie

50 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
Only €7,99
In the 15th century, England lay in tatters. At the hands of the French, it had experienced catastrophic defeat in the Hundred Years’ War, the nation’s coffers were empty, and King Henry VI had declined into madness. With the king propped up by his cunning wife, Henry’s relatives descended hungrily on the crown, each vying to claim the English throne. The bloodshed and dynastic drama that followed was immortalised in history as the Wars of the Roses. In this book, discover how the Houses of York and Lancaster turned against each other as greed, glory and a thirst for power trumped family loyalty.
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History of War

History of War Wars of the Roses In the 15th century, England lay in tatters. At the hands of the French, it had experienced catastrophic defeat in the Hundred Years’ War, the nation’s coffers were empty, and King Henry VI had declined into madness. With the king propped up by his cunning wife, Henry’s relatives descended hungrily on the crown, each vying to claim the English throne. The bloodshed and dynastic drama that followed was immortalised in history as the Wars of the Roses. In this book, discover how the Houses of York and Lancaster turned against each other as greed, glory and a thirst for power trumped family loyalty.

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Great little magazine

I received an offer where I could choose a free magazine to look at and chose this. I have to say it is a really good magazine, very informative and I will definitely be downloading future issues. Beoordeeld op 06 januari 2022

History of War

great read Beoordeeld op 08 juli 2021
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