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Majesty Magazine

12 Ausgaben pro Jahr   |  English
116 Bewertungen   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
From €2,33 pro Ausgabe
For 40 years Majesty magazine has been bringing its readers all they need to know about the royal families of the world. Each issue contains knowledgeable features and beautiful photographs, with news and views on the personalities, lifestyles, fashions and homes of royals past and present.

From the births of princes and princesses to the fairy-tale royal weddings and jubilee celebrations, Majesty provides the full story. Intimate interviews with royalty and those who know them well offer a unique insight into their far-from-ordinary lives.
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Majesty Magazine

August 2024 In our August issue: OLD FRIENDS: The Emperor and Empress of Japan pay a long-awaited state visit to the United Kingdom, by Joe Little TROOPING THE COLOUR: It was the King’s birthday party but everyone was delighted to see the Princess of Wales on parade, by Ingrid Seward ULTIMATE ACCOLADE: The Duchess of Gloucester gets star billing at Windsor Castle on a Garter Day full of pomp and pageantry, by Joe Little RICHARD GLOUCESTER: The man not destined to be duke will celebrate his 80th birthday this month but still plays his royal role well, says Coryne Hall FATHER DAYS: Prince William, by juggling his work commitments, has had the chance to be more of a hands-on dad in recent months BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY: The inspiration for Hluboká nad Vltavou castle came from a Schwarzenberg prince’s visit to Windsor, by Trond Norén Isaken THE GOING’S GOOD: Royal Ascot was as stylish as ever and this year racegoers were able to keep their umbrellas tightly furled ROYAL ENCORE: The wedding of the Duke of Westminster and Olivia Henson brought a princely usher back to Chester, by Victoria Murphy HOLYROOD WEEK: Charles III and Queen Camilla’s annual Edinburgh stay had to be shortened because of the general election, by Richard Palmer And much more besides!

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Issue Cover

Majesty Magazine  |  August 2024  

In our August issue:

OLD FRIENDS: The Emperor and Empress of Japan pay a long-awaited state visit to the United Kingdom, by Joe Little

TROOPING THE COLOUR: It was the King’s birthday party but everyone was delighted to see the Princess of Wales on parade, by Ingrid Seward

ULTIMATE ACCOLADE: The Duchess of Gloucester gets star billing at Windsor Castle on a Garter Day full of pomp and pageantry, by Joe Little

RICHARD GLOUCESTER: The man not destined to be duke will celebrate his 80th birthday this month but still plays his royal role well, says Coryne Hall

FATHER DAYS: Prince William, by juggling his work commitments, has had the chance to be more of a hands-on dad in recent months

BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY: The inspiration for Hluboká nad Vltavou castle came from a Schwarzenberg prince’s visit to Windsor, by Trond Norén Isaken

THE GOING’S GOOD: Royal Ascot was as stylish as ever and this year racegoers were able to keep their umbrellas tightly furled

ROYAL ENCORE: The wedding of the Duke of Westminster and Olivia Henson brought a princely usher back to Chester, by Victoria Murphy

HOLYROOD WEEK: Charles III and Queen Camilla’s annual Edinburgh stay had to be shortened because of the general election, by Richard Palmer

And much more besides!
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For 40 years Majesty magazine has been bringing its readers all they need to know about the royal families of the world. Each issue contains knowledgeable features and beautiful photographs, with news and views on the personalities, lifestyles, fashions and homes of royals past and present.

From the births of princes and princesses to the fairy-tale royal weddings and jubilee celebrations, Majesty provides the full story. Intimate interviews with royalty and those who know them well offer a unique insight into their far-from-ordinary lives.

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Sie erhalten 12 Ausgaben während eines 1-Jahres Majesty Magazine Zeitschriftenabonnement.

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Basierend auf 116 Kundenrezensionen
Rezensionen ansehen

Great photography

Essential magazine for all of those who are a fan of the royal family Überprüft 12 April 2022

Majesty Magazine

KI love Majesty Magazine, and I look eagerly forward to each issue. Then I read it cover to cover. Not only do I enjoy currant updates of the Royal family, but also the articles of members and events that are part of the Royals of Europe , and the connections to current members/ I had always wished I could have a long chat with Prince Phillips about his historic life. RIP Sir, I will miss reading about you. Überprüft 20 Mai 2021

Majesty Magazine

cI love Majesty Magazine. I have been reading it for over 20 years now. Überprüft 05 Oktober 2020

Majesty Magazine

I've read Majesty for many years and have always appreciated it's high standards of reporting and production. Überprüft 14 September 2020

If you love the Royals you will love Majesty

If you love the Royals you will love Majesty, I read this mag and I admin the British Monarchist League website. Überprüft 26 Oktober 2018

Artikel in dieser Ausgabe

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Majesty Magazine July 2023 July 2023 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
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