Practical Wireless  |  January 2025
The January 2025 issue of Practical Wireless is now available. Here are some of the highlights:
- Don talks about the role of clubs in the hobby, as well as reflecting on recent propagation.
- A Magnetic Loop Antenna: John Piątkowska-Vooght MW1CFN offers an easy-to-build loop antenna suitable for indoor or outdoor use.
- A compact ultra lightweight magnetic loop antenna for low power (QRP) CW only HF communication: John Guest G4GON builds a small loop for QRP operation.
- The DigiFilter: Ron Taylor G4GXO describes a filter that offers In-Line Digital Audio Filtering and More!
- Vintage Television & Radio: Keith Hamer and Garry Smith continue the special series looking back at the BBC’s coverage of Coronations since 1937. There is also a vintage Coronation advertisement from the archives for a television construction kit. A new series begins chronicling events in broadcasting 100 years ago this month. The series charting the rise and fall of BBC 198kHz transmissions focuses on the mast and aerial arrangement employed at the Westerglen transmitter in Scotland. Coverage detailing 60 years of BBC-2 looks at some of the technical problems encountered by engineers. They also continue our series about the development of Swiss Radio and Television since 1922, with the opening of several new radio stations.
- Antennas: Keith Rawlings G4MIU continues on the theme of ‘Controlled Feeder Radiation’ (CFR) antennas.
- Take 20: Steve Macdonald G4AQB has another handy and cheap project for the shack, a simple Arduino Nano Morse Beacon.
- Data Modes: Mike Richards G4WNC has lots to cover this month, starting with a follow-up on the new Web-888 SDR receiver, a new touch display for the Raspberry Pi and an excellent case for Pi radio projects.
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• Een korting op de verkoopprijs van je tijdschrift
• Je tijdschrift elke maand op je apparaat
• Je zult nooit een editie missen
• Je bent beschermd tegen prijsstijgingen die later in het jaar kunnen plaatsvinden
Je ontvangt 12 edities gedurende een periode van 1 jaar Practical Wireless abonnement op een tijdschrift.
Opmerking: Digitale edities bevatten niet de omslagitems of supplementen die je zou vinden bij gedrukte exemplaren.
Artikelen in deze editie
Hieronder vindt u een selectie van artikelen in Practical Wireless January 2025.