RC Jet International  |  February-March 2013
This issue sees two model reviews with beginner in mind. Firstly, Shulman Aviation’s ‘Turbinator’ is put to the test by Germany’s David Bueskin, then the UK’s Keith Whiddett uses Modellbau UK’s new ‘Tornado’ to take the beginner to jets through some of the systems and their use in a turbine powered model.
For the more advanced pilot, Sean McHale takes a look at Tomahawk Designs 1.9 m span ‘Futura’, finishing it in Canadian ‘Snow Bird’ colours along with the addition of a smoke system. Further flight reports include Fly Eagle Jets MiG-29 and Fei Bao’s big F-100.
On the technical front we take a first look at the new robbe telemetry system, designed to work with Futaba radio systems, plus another new turbine to market, the 200 Newton TJ20 turbine from PBSVB in the Czech Republic gets subjected to the RCJI engine test.
Marc Scully introduces us to GBRJets new electric braking system and Ralph Esposito explains how to make a cheap, but effective sportscale cockpit for your ARF models.
Plus we bring you action from the ‘Karlskoga 12’ meet in Sweden, ‘Jets Under The Southern Cross’ in Argentina and the ‘Horizon Hobby Air meet 2012’.
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Artikelen in deze editie
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