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Probeer een Gratis monster van South Australian Angler
Probeer een Gratis monster

South Australian Angler Magazine SA Angler Jun-July 2012 Vorige editie

7 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   Sport (Fishing & Angling)
Our June/July issue contains plenty of exciting and informative reading. It showcases most of our premium writers and covers a vast spread of topics.

Our Holiday Destination is Elliston, on Eyre Peninsula. The feature outlines the best fishing options, accommodation, services and practically everything else you need to know to plan a family fishing vacation.

We interview four guys who are all ‘monster catchers’ – guys who have caught 1500lb white sharks, 18lb trout, 120lb kingies and 20lb Aussie salmon!

We take an in-depth look at a couple of SA’s best attended and most successful fishing tournaments, test two great boats and talk tactics on soft plastics!
South Australian Angler Preview PagesSouth Australian Angler Preview Pages

South Australian Angler

SA Angler Jun-July 2012 Our June/July issue contains plenty of exciting and informative reading. It showcases most of our premium writers and covers a vast spread of topics. Our Holiday Destination is Elliston, on Eyre Peninsula. The feature outlines the best fishing options, accommodation, services and practically everything else you need to know to plan a family fishing vacation. We interview four guys who are all ‘monster catchers’ – guys who have caught 1500lb white sharks, 18lb trout, 120lb kingies and 20lb Aussie salmon! We take an in-depth look at a couple of SA’s best attended and most successful fishing tournaments, test two great boats and talk tactics on soft plastics!

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Gebaseerd op 7 Beoordelingen van klanten
Bekijk beoordelingen

Plenty of information

Great info’ especially for beginners. 124 pages now too, much more content than the others. Beoordeeld op 23 augustus 2022

South Australian Angler (SA Angler)

I would love to have a few articles published on the south east of our state. The fishing down there is exceptional. Beoordeeld op 11 april 2020
Free Sample Issue
Probeer een Gratis monster van South Australian Angler
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