B Cubed Press is an indie ‘dedicated to raising the words of truth, un-bound by ideology’, initially with anthologies on fresh, thought-provoking themes. The current call is for After The Orange, an SF and fantasy anthology about what happens after the ‘The Trump Presidency has come and gone.’ Perhaps ‘the Trump Dynasty has been invoked’ or has it ‘spawned a return to core values, a hedonistic paradise or what?’ What does the post-Trump future hold?
The editor and his team seek ‘near- or fartherfuture stories,’ set in or after the year 2032. Give them ‘America or the world in a new era,’ think about how ‘world politics has been changed by the actions of US policies and people.’ Stories, 500-5,000 words, may be ‘optimistic or pessimistic, utopian or apocalyptic’ in their visions of the future. Link the story with ‘current events and the world as it is in 2017’. Anything goes: political shenanigans, ‘romance, spooks, robots and evil overlords, satire or parodies’ in a world which has moved on. Make the plot lively, driving the story and/or make the characters 3D and pushing the plot along. Submit stories as doc, docx or rtf files, by email: m.j.frishberg@gmail.com
The deadline is 15 December. Response time is ‘reasonable’. Payment is 2¢ a word and a share of the royalties.