Phoenix Digital Bookshop  |  US Marine Corps AV-8B Harrier
Airmark Modellers Reference Guide
US Marine Corps AV-8B Harrier
By Andy Evans
The McDonnell Douglas AV-8B Harrier II is a single-engine ground-attack aircraft that constitutes the second generation of the Harrier family and is capable of vertical or short take-off and landing (V/STOL). The aircraft is primarily employed on light attack or multi-role missions, ranging from close air support of ground troops to armed reconnaissance. The AV-8B is used by the United States Marine Corps, and the Spanish and the Italian Navy’s. A variant, the TAV-8B, is a dedicated two-seat trainer. The AV-8B retains the general layout of its predecessor, the AV-8A, the aircraft incorporates a new, larger composite wing with an additional hardpoint on each side, an elevated cockpit, a redesigned fuselage and other structural and aerodynamic refinements. The aircraft is powered by an upgraded version of the Pegasus. The AV-8B made its maiden flight in November 1981 and entered service with the USMC in January 1985. Later upgrades added a night-attack capability and radar, resulting in the AV-8B(NA) and AV-8B Harrier II Plus versions, respectively. Approximately 340 aircraft were produced in a twenty-two-year production program that ended in 2003. Typically operated from small aircraft carriers, large amphibious assault ships and simple forward operating bases, AV-8Bs have participated in numerous military and humanitarian operations, including the in the Gulf Wars, Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan, and Operation Odyssey Dawn in Libya in 2011. Italian and Spanish Harrier IIs have also taken part in overseas conflicts in conjunction with NATO coalitions. USMC and Italian Navy AV-8Bs are being replaced by the Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning, with the former expected to operate its Harriers until 2025.
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