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Family & Home

Dot to Dot Bookazine

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Dot to Dot Bookazine

Extreme Dot to Dot: Animal Kingdom Fifth Edition Within this book you’ll find over 25 of the natural world’s most striking animals, from creepy critters like the cross spider and reticulated python to graceful giants like the African elephant and the Reticulated giraffe. Uncover the wonders of nature one line at a time, by connecting the dots, and watch incredible creatures unfold before your eyes. It will test your patience and concentration, but the results will be well worth it. And if you find yourself struggling, there are handy clues alongside each image to what the animal is, plus all the finished dot-to-dots at the back of the book. A perfect way to relax and take your mind off the stresses of everyday life, this is an ideal form of escapism, where you can focus your thoughts entirely on piecing together each iconic member of the animal kingdom. All you need is a sharp pencil (or pen if you’re brave), a ruler (for extra precision) and free time. With over 20,000 dots to join in total, you’re up for quite the challenge.

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Dot to Dot Bookazine issue Extreme Dot to Dot: Animal Kingdom Fifth Edition

Dot to Dot Bookazine  |  Extreme Dot to Dot: Animal Kingdom Fifth Edition  

Within this book you’ll find over 25 of the natural world’s most striking animals, from creepy critters like the cross spider and reticulated python to graceful giants like the African elephant and the Reticulated giraffe. Uncover the wonders of nature one line at a time, by connecting the dots, and watch incredible creatures unfold before your eyes. It will test your patience and concentration, but the
results will be well worth it. And if you find yourself struggling, there are handy clues alongside each image to what the animal is, plus all the finished dot-to-dots at the back of the book. A perfect way to relax and take your mind off the stresses of
everyday life, this is an ideal form of escapism, where you can focus your thoughts entirely on piecing together each iconic member of the animal kingdom. All you need is a sharp pencil (or pen if you’re brave), a ruler (for extra precision) and free time. With over 20,000 dots to join in total, you’re up for quite the challenge.
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