Chap  |  The Chap 114
CHAP Winter 22 is spearheaded by an interview with cinematic legend Sir Michael Caine, who speaks at length about his entire career. In the centenary of the discovery of the tomb of King Tutankhamun, Vintage Egyptologist Colleen Darnell explains the monumental significance of the archaeological discovery in November 1922. We also reveal the longer and more bombastic life of King Tut's eccentric father, King Akhenaten. These ancient kings are rounded off with a delve into the wardrobe of our very own new King Charles III, with some observations on his attitude to preserving the longevity of one's cherished items of clothing. Style features include six dapper Edwardians and one flame-haired flight attendant aboard the Concorde held at Brooklands Museum, plus the author of a new book about formal wear and how to seek the original scents worn by the stars of yesteryear. Further adventures are delivered by an interview with explorer John Blashford-Snell, while Chris Sullivan voyages to Kenya to immerse himself in the thrills of an African adventure. Chris also meets legendary cinematographer Jack Cardiff, who worked with Alfred Hitchcock, Michael Powell and John Huston, among many others. In Motoring we pay a visit to this year's Goodwood Revival, while the doyenne of Stanley Biggs Clothiers takes us on a walking tour of Nottinghamshire in the footsteps of DH Lawrence.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Chap The Chap 114.