Total 911 Bookazine  |  Total 911 Presents Secrets of the Porsche Museum Second Edition
The Porsche Museum on Porscheplatz is a spectacular structure, but the beauty of the building is nothing compared to the cars stored within it. They document Porsche’s unique history as a sports car manufacturer, signposting the company’s evolution into one of the most renowned names in the automotive genre. However, the Museum can only present 80 cars to the public, and Porsche’s private collection is considerably larger. For the first time, Total 911 brings you rare and unique access to some of the most treasured sports cars in the Porsche collection, from the little-known concepts and prototypes through to renowned race cars and even cars belonging to the Porsche family. Secrets of the Porsche Museum lifts the lid on these special cars and the stroies behind them, elegantly presented by world-leading experts in the study of Porsche, and illustrated by award-winning photographers. This is a history of Porsche like no other.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Total 911 Bookazine Total 911 Presents Secrets of the Porsche Museum Second Edition.