Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine  |  Fall 2021
Bully's The Bulldog Magazine is all about autumn extravaganze for our Fall issue.
We again offer you a wide range of information, ranging from health guidance, nutritional advice, safety information, and upcoming holidays. Importantly, we provide vital health advice for your bulldog, such as the importance of teeth brushing. We also provide advice related to fetch safety and how to keep your bulldog safe from bear attacks. We then present feature articles related to Halloween, the history of Thanksgiving, and the importance of being thankful for our dogs. We also present an article which explores the determinants of life expectancy and highlights the potential for dogs to far exceed the life expectancy of their respective breeds.
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You'll receive 4 issues during a 1 year Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine magazine subscription.
Note: Digital editions do not include the covermount items or supplements you would find with printed copies.
Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine Fall 2021.