My Weekly  |  23/04/2022
My Weekly - Issue 5621
As the Queen turns 96, we look at the "magnificent seven" family members stepping up to share her responsibilities. Popular presenter Sandi Toksvig tells us about her new passion for miniature furniture and why she loves Jane McDonald. The first of our four stories in this week’s issue, 'The Bully', is a compelling tale from the wonderful Rachael Blok. Bringing the outdoors inside is easier than you think, as illustrated in our interiors section, where there’s lots of easy tips. And horse therapy is not something you hear about every day, but it is fascinating, as our Real Life feature shows!
Plus we've more celebrities, recipes, fiction, features, beauty, fashions, health, and much more.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in My Weekly 23/04/2022.