Gary Innes, an appreciation, by Robert Robertson

On Thursday February 2, Celtic Connections hosted the launch of ERA, a new solo album by Gary Innes. Robert Robertson recounts the success story of the album’s single, The Caman Man, released the previous week.

Towards the tail end of last year, I received a phone call from Gary asking if I would pop round and hear a song he had written, and whether I would consider singing it on his forthcoming solo album. A matter of months later, Friday January 27, The Caman Man was released as a single and rocketed up the iTunes UK official download charts to the giddy heights of number 56, while hitting number one spot in the World Music charts.

No-one was more surprised than Gary (who had intended it more as a personal account of his shinty retirement than a commercial venture), but the single’s success represents proof of both the unassailable link between shinty and traditional music, and the huge influence Highland music lovers and shinty fans alike can exert on the UK charts. I keep a fairly close eye on the movements of the download charts, and the appearance of a genre outwith the popular mainstream is not particularly common – or, I should say, not particularly caman! Yet, in recent years, there has been a pretty constant stream of chart hits rolling out of the Highlands. In early January, Skipinnish’s fantastic new single Alive shot into the top 40 most deservedly.

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The Oban Times & Lochaber Times
16th February 2017

Other Articles in this Issue

Front Page
Councillors plea for end to criticisms on social media
‘SCATHING’ comments, ‘false’ statements and ‘personal attacks’ on councillors in
Success at 126th sale of cattle
Topping the Highland cattle sale in Oban this week was
Council tax to rise three per cent
RESIDENTS of Argyll and Bute face a three per cent
32 months in prison for assault
A 27-YEAR-OLD man has been jailed for 32 months for
Valentine’s love in an Indian prison
YVONNE MACHUGH, partner of imprisoned Billy Irving of Connel, said
Islands leader meets mandarin to discuss funding after Brexit
A MEETING between the Scottish Islands Federation (SIF) chairwoman and
CalMac boss will remain in charge of ferry company
CALMAC managing director Martin Dorchester has announced that he will
MSP gives backing to Fergus the Fox
LEGISLATION to protect wild mammals from being chased and hunted
Argyll projects hit the jackpot
NEW figures show that more than £2.4 million of National
MSP organises jobs fair at Corran Halls
A JOBS fair is being held in the Corran Halls
Budget sees rise in council tax
COMHAIRLE nan Eilean Siar has set its budget for 2017/18
Dog owners warned as part of spring campaign
DOG OWNERS are being warned their animal could be killed
Campaigner urges councils to scan microchips in dead cats
A PETITION has been lodged in parliament to introduce a
Oban features in TV film thanks to former Loose Women presenter Jane
A NEW television programme that saw Loose Women presenter and
Civic furniture given away free for community groups
SEATS, tables and other pieces of furniture are to be
Syllabus for Mòd on web
THE syllabus for the Oban Provincial Mòd has now been
LEADER grants top £1 million
THE OUTER Hebrides LEADER Local Action Group has approved grants
A-boards to vanish from Oban streets
STREET boards offering information to pedestrians on Oban’s George Street
Argyll shows it is the business
ARGYLL and Bute towns are among the most entrepreneurial in
High school progressing
OBAN High School is taking shape with some parts of
Green Shoots initiative lands Rotary cheque for £400
OBAN Rotary Club agreed to support a very green initiative
Golf club tees up new funding source
In recognition of the support given by Glencruitten Golf Club
Soroba bins cannot meet demand, says council boss
A COUNCIL executive admitted that, per head of population, Soroba
SEPA did not advise council
WHETHER Argyll and Bute Council made appropriate representations to the
At Random
WE HAVE a letter on page 10 today praising the
Argyll and Bute needs 3,000 new affordable homes in three years
A TOTAL of 3,000 new homes are needed in the
Yvonne flies out to India to visit jailed fiancé Billy
YVONNE MACHUGH began a six-day trip to India on Friday
Support pledge for local firms
ARGYLL and Bute Council awarded one-third of its contracts to
Education event is a big success
EDUCATION staff from across Argyll and Bute and East Dunbartonshire
674 operations cancelled at NHS Highland
A TOTAL of 674 operations were cancelled at NHS Highland
HIE petition lodged at Scottish Parliament
A PETITION has been lodged with the Scottish Parliament’s Public
New website explains how to transfer assets
COMMUNITY groups and social enterprises who would like to own
CROFTING SPECIAL: Meet the candidates standing for election
It is time for change. South West Highlands needs a
Commission is slammed in new report into governance practices
THE Crofting Commission has been given a damning indictment of
Jake is awarded top farmers’ union accolade
WELL-KNOWN Skye NFU Scotland group secretary and NFU Mutual local
Warning businesses could ‘go to wall’ over proposed rates hike
THERE has been outcry from Lochaber businesses as the ‘devastating’
Caol pupils shop around and cash in on fun week of learning
CAOL Primary School pupils have been enjoying a week of
School budgets to be protected
THE HIGHLAND Council has announced there will be will be
Union wins battle with rail company
TRANSPORT union TSSA claims to have won a battle with
Argyll and Isles tourism sector enjoys boom years
HOT ON the heels of the successful launch of Wild
Glenfinnan rubbish concern grows again
A GLENFINNAN resident is again highlighting growing amounts of rubbish
Glencoe massacre remembered 325 years on
THREE hundred and twenty five years after the massacre of
New owners share plans for smelter with public
THE NEW owners of Lochaber’s smelter were in Fort William
Brexit challenges in focus around Lochaber
A JUNIOR government minister from the Department for Exiting the
Home owners are encouraged to remain vigilant at all times
Mountain rescue team find body
POLICE in Lochaber have confirmed a body found on Meall
Trust sponsors festival films
THE JOHN MUIR TRUST is delighted to be among the
Job cuts loom as council plugs £20m funding gap
AROUND 122 jobs could be lost as the Highland Council
Warning businesses could ‘go to wall’ over proposed rates hike
THERE has been outcry from Lochaber businesses as the ‘devastating’
Caol pupils shop around and cash in on fun week of learning
CAOL Primary School pupils have been enjoying a week of
School budgets to be protected
THE HIGHLAND Council has announced there will be will be
Union wins battle with rail company
TRANSPORT union TSSA claims to have won a battle with
Taxi driver brands fares increase ‘a disgrace’
A FORT WILLIAM taxi driver has branded a proposed 28
Review of ferry tendering welcomed
MARITIME professionals’ union Nautilus International has welcomed a decision by
Budget see rises in council tax
COMHAIRLE nan Eilean Siar has set its budget for 2017/18
Lifeboat crew helps stranded fishing boat
KYLE of Lochalsh RNLI's volunteer crew rescued a 16-foot fishing
Skye jobs boost as hub doors open
A NEW community hub in south Skye will generate up
Actor explores Outer Hebrides
ACCLAIMED Scottish actor Alan Cumming has embarked on a lifelong
School focus on internet safety
SCHOOLS across the Western Isles took part in Worldwide Safer
Lewis firm wins national award
A LEWIS pharmaceutical company has won a national award for
Mallaig harbour to get £90 million upgrade
A £90 MILLION master-plan to make Mallaig a more attractive
Community wind farm support plea
A FORMER MP for the Western Isles is calling on
Network Rail refuses to accept liability after train kills cow
NETWORK Rail has been urged to conduct an urgent review
Glenfinnan rubbish concern grows again
A GLENFINNAN resident is again highlighting growing amounts of rubbish
Glencoe massacre remembered 325 years on
THREE hundred and twenty five years after the massacre of
New owners share plans for smelter with public
THE NEW owners of Lochaber’s smelter were in Fort William
Brexit challenges in focus around Lochaber
A JUNIOR government minister from the Department for Exiting the
Home owners are encouraged to remain vigilant at all times
Mountain rescue team find body
POLICE in Lochaber have confirmed a body found on Meall
Trust sponsors festival films
THE JOHN MUIR TRUST is delighted to be among the
Job cuts loom as council plugs £20m funding gap
AROUND 122 jobs could be lost as the Highland Council
Sculptures highlight mountain festival
ANYONE driving on Fort William’s bypass recently will have noticed
Staff branch out to replace widow’s sentimental gift
STAFF at Fort William’s M&Co fashion shop have helped an
Inverlochy does the shinty double
INVERLOCHY Primary School did the double at the Lochaber Area
Kirsty’s on target to reach gala goal
A LOCHABER women is well on her way to reaching
LOCHABER GeoPark director Noel Williams will be signing copies of
Turning the tide on knotweed in Fort William
KNOTWEED along the Fort William Loch shore is finally being
View from the Chamber
PART of the work of Lochaber Chamber of Commerce focuses
Cash boost for Nevis Centre welcomed
STAFF at Fort William’s Nevis Centre are feeling ‘very fortunate’
Father and sons guilty of assault
A FATHER and his two sons have been found guilty
Cadets ship shape at awards night
LOCHABER sea cadets held their annual award ceremony earlier this
Speed limit between villages ‘unlikely’ to change
THE CHAIRMAN of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry community
Talks continue on Mallaig schools
PARENTS and Councillor Ben Thomson have met with Highland Council
Woman killed in South Uist fire
A WOMAN has been killed in a house fire in
CalMac ferry chief decides to stay
CALEDONIAN MACBRAYNE’S managing director and chief executive officer Martin Dorchester
Car crashes near Spean Bridge
A CAR went off the road outside Spean Bridge at
Wheelie bin finds its way onto Fort William shop roof
A CROWD gathered at Cameron Square in Fort William on
Pupils boost food bank with 200 meals
CHILDREN from St Columba’s School, Fort William, have collected enough
Councillors plea for end to criticisms on social media
‘SCATHING’ comments, ‘false’ statements and ‘personal attacks’ on councillors in
Success at 126th sale of cattle
Topping the Highland cattle sale in Oban this week was
32 months in prison for assault
A 27-YEAR-OLD man has been jailed for 32 months for
Valentine’s love in an Indian prison
YVONNE MACHUGH, partner of imprisoned Billy Irving of Connel, said
Argyll and Isles tourism sector enjoys boom years
HOT ON the heels of the successful launch of Wild
Campaigner urges councils to scan microchips in dead cats
A PETITION has been lodged in parliament to introduce a
Oban features in TV film thanks to former Loose Women presenter Jane
A NEW television programme that saw Loose Women presenter and
Civic furniture given away free for community groups
SEATS, tables and other pieces of furniture are to be
Syllabus for Mòd on web
THE syllabus for the Oban Provincial Mòd has now been
A-boards to vanish from Oban streets
STREET boards offering information to pedestrians on Oban’s George Street
LEADER grants top £1 million
THE OUTER Hebrides LEADER Local Action Group has approved grants
Argyll shows it is the business
ARGYLL and Bute towns are among the most entrepreneurial in
High school progressing
OBAN High School is taking shape with some parts of
Benderloch and North Connel
THE SAND quarry beside Oban Airport in North Connel is
ARDFERN artist Hannah Tofts has launched a crowd-funding campaign to
Lochnell primary pupils enjoy building site visit
Lochnell Primary School pupils visited a TSL construction site in
New Killin power plant nears completion
A POWER plant near Killin which will use virgin timber
Western Isles
NA H-EILEANAN an Iar (Western Isles) MSP Alasdair Allan has
EARLY learning school reminders: Children are encouraged to attend school
LADIES of Lochawe SWI welcomed members from Glenorchy Institute to
THE AWARD-WINNING Mull Eagle Watch project is looking forward to
A RADIO station has launched a fundraising appeal as it
Loch Lomond
NFU Scotland and NFU Mutual’s prestigious Ambassador Award has been
A lack of rats on Morvern
I WAS interested to read in last week’s Oban Times
LOCHABER veterinary surgeon Kenny Lang was guest speaker at the
MALLAIG fundraisers donated £33,900 to the RNLI last year –
KINLOCHLEVEN school pupils enjoyed a visit to Inverness Mosque last
PLOCKTON and District Community Council met in Plockton Hall on
Spean Bridge
SPEAN BRIDGE, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council met last
STRONTIAN Primary School pupils enjoyed their first skiing trip last
Glencoe and Glenuig
SCOTTISH folk singer Kaela Rowan will be returning to her
LOCHABER charities are being invited to apply for a cash
A lack of rats on Morvern
I WAS interested to read in last week’s Oban Times
Communicating with friends, family and other people in our community
Days gone by – country dancers
This wonderful picture was sent to us with a note
GOOD food is one of life’s great pleasures and I
Social media
Martin Laing’s defence in his At Random column of the
Councillor to stand down in Lochaber
There’s an end point for everyone in politics. Everyone, irrespective
Beachd Ailein
SEANN DUAN AGUS SEANN trioblaid is staid nan rathaidean, agus
It is tempting sometimes to become a little depressed by
Days gone by – country dancers
This wonderful picture was sent to us with a note
GOOD food is one of life’s great pleasures and I
Social media
Martin Laing’s defence in his At Random column of the
Councillor to stand down in Lochaber
There’s an end point for everyone in politics. Everyone, irrespective
Oban town centre looks fabulous
There is a popular saying that complaints are always heard
People who drop litter should be fined
Aside from the ongoing issues around the change to three-weekly
Scottish Canals is a failing organisation
Scottish Canals must be congratulated on joining the ranks of
Beachd Ailein
SEANN DUAN AGUS SEANN trioblaid is staid nan rathaidean, agus
Taynuilt turns out for Bookends pop-up event
A crisp and clear sunny Saturday in Taynuilt was the
Spring in the step at the Rock field Centre
This is an important time for the Rockfield Centre, with
Longships on the Sand – an exploration of Norse history on the island of Tiree
A new book, about Tiree, Longships on the Sand, has
Ballet West launches Swan Lake tour
A BALLET performance showing off all the outstanding and amazing
Oban concern for Palestine
A special presentation of a heart rendering film on the
Glasgow Letter
The Mull and Iona annual gathering will be held in
THE BRIDE Wedding trends for 2017
Hosting an incredible wedding while also reducing the carbon footprint
Questions about marriage in the Church of Scotland
Q. Can anyone be married in a Church of Scotland
Call for PVG checks to cover sports coaches
A NATIONAL children’s charity has called on the Scottish Government
Record dolphin numbers viewed on West Coast
RECORD numbers of three dolphin species off Scotland’s West Coast
Celtic rainforest full of magic and mystery
TWO conservation charities have joined forces to share the secrets
Enjoy beautiful scenery on weekly walks around Lorn and Lochaber
MEETING point for walks is the car park at the
Snow far so good as skiing season opens
THIS WEEK’S heavy snowfall across the Highlands signals the true
Rod levy ruled out for Scotland
THE REQUIREMENT for rod licences for wild fishing or a
New course set to rock at Lochaber
LOCHABER Geopark director Noel Williams will be running a course
Climate change
SCOTLAND’S Marine Protected Areas network is helping to combat climate
Five trends to watch when selling business to business
THIS YEAR will see the ongoing evolution of many B2B
Fort William business wins top prize for diver safety
A LEADING sub-sea training and trials facility in Lochaber has
Tax year end deadline looms
THE self-assessment annual tax return deadline has now passed and,
Spend in Oban and win £100
AN INNOVATIVE loyalty card scheme is being rolled out across
Lidl crowned supermarket of the year at awards
LIDL UK triumphed at last week’s Drinks Retailing Awards 2017,
Around the Markets
DINGWALL: Dingwall and Highland Marts, February 8, sold 786 sheep
Farming profits increase after two years of decline
TOTAL income from farming is estimated to have increased by
Green farming rules reviewed
PLANS to introduce changes to greening rules, which improve the
Avian flu prevention zone to be extended
AN AVIAN influenza prevention zone for all poultry and captive
Union welcomes new directors
THERE is a new look to NFU Scotland board of
Quality shines at 126th spring sale
IT WAS the first time a father and daughter pairing
Subaru Eyesight – your third eye on the road
Pedestrians are particularly at risk on the road; a collision
The drive of your life on the A83 and A816
ROUTE 66 has a Scottish rival, the road from Oban
Mixed picture in December but first-time buyer lending healthy, says CML
Home-owner house purchase lending totalled £11.6bn in December, up five
At his home surrounded by his family on Sunday, February
Peacefully at the Lorn and Islands Hospital, Oban on February
At the Lorn and Islands Hospital, Oban on Thursday February
The family of the late Mairi EKB (née Paterson) would
Stewart and family would like to thank family, friends and
Remembering our devoted dad John, who passed away February 20,
Cherished memories of Lily who died February 15, 1989 and
Loving memories of a much loved wife, mum, granny, sister
In loving memory of my dear sister Joanne who passed
In loving memory of my mum Violet Lockhart, who sadly
In loving memory of my dear husband John, died February
In loving memory of a dear sister and aunt, Cathy,
In loving memory of Rhoda, dearest mum, gran and great-gran,
In loving memory of Rhoda, who died February 15, 2013
Campbell. In loving memory of our dear brother, who died
In loving memory of our baby son and brother, Danny,
In memory of my husband Tom, who passed away February
Precious memories of our dearly loved son Innes, taken from
Happy memories of our dear nephew and cousin Innie, died
Obituary – Evelyn MacDonald
‘IF I must choose one word, one word more accurate
Saints struggle but still win the points
AN EARLY morning pitch inspection last Saturday found Glencruitten to
Exciting new shinty project
THE Camanachd Association and Highland Print Studio have announced that
Pre-season fixtures come thick and fast
WITH the new shinty season just over a fortnight away,
Tarbert shooters have a blast
IT WAS a full house of shooters for the February
Midweek indoor athletics in Oban
SPORTS Hall Athletics comes to Oban on Wednesday March 1
Entertaining table tennis at the Fort
SOME very ‘entertaining games’ have been played in the latest
Final round of primary school indoor shinty
ON SUNDAY February 5 Atlantis Leisure hosted the final round
Rugby Robbie on the telly
A YOUNG Tarbert rugby player had a prominent role at
Dolphins hold time trials
IT WAS all about new records and personal bests at
Narrow defeat for Oban Lorne as visitors claim league title
OBAN Lorne welcomed title-chasing Newton Stewart as Saturday’s opposition in
Youth rugby round-up
Saturday’s planned S1/2 festival at Glencruitten was called off due
Saints drawn away in Scottish Cup
OBAN Saints have been drawn away to face top Perthshire
Scottish AFL results and fixtures
LAST Saturday’s results: Premier Division – Oban Saints 2, Drumchapel
Oban Saints youth results and fixtures
LAST weekend’s results: Under-13s, no game; Under-14s 1, Drumchapel United
Friendly win for Lochaber
LOCHABER hosted Mull in a friendly fixture on Saturday after
South Lochaber Thistle reach first cup final
SOUTH Lochaber Thistle are through to final of the Thomson
Recent results
RESULTS Week 14: Mallaig 3, HW Energy 3; Fiorentina Turner
Championship success for Lochaber Phoenix boxers
TWO Lochaber Phoenix boxers have featured in the finals of
Busy time for Lochaber swimmers
JANUARY and February have been busy months for the members
British Legion lead handicap division
AFTER week 12 of the Lochaber Building Supplies 10-pin bowling
Fort William sign new striker
FORT William Football Club have announced the signing of Jordan
Club lottery numbers
KILMALLIE Shinty Club lottery numbers drawn on Sunday February 12
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