Chap  |  The Chap 110
CHAP Winter 21 sets off on a voyage around the globe via the work of Jules Verne in all its forms. Our main interview is with actor Jason Watkins, who stars in the new BBC adaptation of Around the World in 80 Days, and we also meet his co-star Lindsay Duncan to find out what it was like filming in South Africa during the pandemic. With cocktail shaker in hand we set off on a voyage in the footsteps of Phileas Fogg, to sample eight cocktails from each of the eight cities he visits on his circumnavigation, from Brindisi to New York.
Jules Verne himself is given extensive coverage, with an overview of the life and work of the influential French author and his continuing legacy in both real science and science fiction. Further travel features include the history of 17th century piracy, a passagiata around the Italian Riviera, and style on the ski slopes.
Sartorial features include a meeting with Jeremy Hackett at his Savile Row HQ in the former Hardy Amies building, a visit to a shoemaker in Belfast, and an encounter with Fifi Chachnil, Parisian maker of saucy lingerie with a strong Anglophile seam. All this plus Grey Fox Column, Torquil Arbuthnot on a life of adventure, Edgar Wright’s Last Night in Soho reviewed, and a chance to enter a competition to match the wit of Oscar Wilde.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Chap The Chap 110.