The Weathering Magazine French Edition  |  The Weathering Magazine Issue 36: AEROGRAPHE 1,0
Within our hobby, there is a tool that burst with force and radically changed the concept of finishing, this was the airbrush.
However, when making an investment in this tool, several questions may arise: what brand and model of airbrush to buy? What type of compressor to choose? How do they work and how to handle them? What are their most important features?
Don't worry because all these little doubts have easy answers and solutions, and the TWM team will provide you with enough material and information to make those doubts and fears disappear. In fact, since the airbrush world needs a lot of information and doubts to clarify, we are going to divide the content dedicated to the airbrush in two issues
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in The Weathering Magazine French Edition The Weathering Magazine Issue 36: AEROGRAPHE 1,0.