Overlander 4X4  |  October 2017
PICK-UP SPECIAL! Tested, off-roaded and taken to the ends of the earth: wall to wall double-cab action! Trucks on test: VW Amarok 3.0 TDi, Mitsubishi L200 Barbarian; Mountain Mission: Hi-Luxes on a unique overland expedition in the Andes; Return of the D-Max AT35; Double-Cab products guide; Dodge Ram in the UK - when the ultimate Yank tank became an official import. Summer's still here - make the most of it with our unique step-by-step guides to Britain's unsurfaced rights of way - North Wales; Central Wilts; North Yorks; Derby Dales
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Overlander 4X4 October 2017.