Transliving Magazine  |  Transliving 75
On the front cover of Issue 75, we have one of our own: the lovely Nina Jay posing on one of her bikes. There are further pictures of Nina Jay inside and pictures of other 'Biker Babes', Hazel, Julia, Rebecca, Shelia and Sophie.
The wheels theme continues with a photoshoot with a classic Morgan sports car at the Bournemouth weekend. There's also an interview with cis-female model and TG advocate Christina Saint Marche, who appears on another set of wheels - one of her pictures is on a pushbike in high heels!
In Issue 75, we pay tribute to trans-icon and pioneer April Ashely MBE, who sadly passed away in December at the grand age of 86.
There are several interviews with leading lights on the transgender scene. Richard interviews transgender actress and activist Mzz Kimberley (Kim Tatum) and actor Mark Janicello from the acclaimed The Finellis Movie released at the start of the year. Warren interviews Miss Trans Global Malaysia. Warren also speaks to our own Shane Marcus, part of a new series getting to know the Transliving team. Nora contributes with an interview with Michelle Hirsch organiser of a trans-fashion show in New England.
There are also several photoshoots with pictures of Gina (Flawless Studios), Jessica (Richard's Photography®) and various pictures of girls by Transfigured Photoshoots. Richard's pictures also appear in a review of BrandyB's Christmas Cocktails event and, alongside photos by Danni, photographs of the Bournemouth Transliving Weekend in November.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Transliving Magazine Transliving 75.