American Miniaturist  |  Issue 240
I am generally a very positive person and am easily affected by negativity. I avoid the news and negative social media. But now I live with someone who listens to podcasts about everything bad that is happening in the world and feels it necessary to tell me about it. I have asked him repeatedly not to share with me. My empathy runs very deep so certain negative things will stay with me for years or will trigger my anxiety.
When I’m flooded with negativity I lose the opportunity to dream about beautiful things because I’m worrying and trying to compartmentalize what I heard so I can function. As a miniature artist, my objective is to make beautiful worlds and spaces that feel calm and safe. This is how I have always coped with the ‘normal’ amount of negativity I have to process on a daily basis.
I desperately miss the freedom of dreaming up worlds full of positivity and boundless joy so the moment he utters the words, “You know what I heard?”, I now ask him if it will make my day brighter. If he laughs and says, “No” or “I’m not sure.” I politely ask him not to share because I’m at full capacity for negativity, but if he has something positive to talk about, I am all ears. I shared this because I’m certain I’m not the only miniature artist that has had their creativity suppressed with all we have gone through the past few years. Please know you have the right to protect your mental wellbeing. It’s okay to say you would rather be uplifted and share happiness! If they love you, they will abide. Keep your creative dreams alive and share the final results with the world.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in American Miniaturist Issue 240.