This is about how to get an autism diagnosis in the UK (as an adult or for your child/teen) and is written based on information taken from my autism book Asperger’s Syndrome: Tips & Strategies which shares tips and strategies for parents, carers, teachers, employers, friends, and autistic individuals. Often people seek autism diagnosis the wrong way, which leads to them or their children not even being seen for an autism assessment and not being diagnosed.
Before seeking an autism diagnosis for yourself or your child or teen, it is useful to have an idea of whether you or they are likely to be autistic. One of the quickest ways to do that is to take the Autism Spectrum Quotient Test. There is a Childhood Autism Spectrum Test and an Adult Autism Spectrum Quotient Test, one for testing yourself and the other for completing in relation to a child. The results of the test will give a strong indicator whether you or they are likely to be autistic or not.