Cycling Weekly  |  17th December 2015
World champ is our rider of the year. he World Championships road race is notorious for being unpredictable and difficult to control. Many a rider has gone into the race in peak condition, suited to the course and with a structured game plan and still come away empty-handed. Desire
guarantees you nothing. So when Lizzie Armitstead rolled over the finish line in first place in Richmond, Virginia, in September, hand over her mouth in shock and then explained the tactics had been executed exactly
as she had wanted, it made her win all the more remarkable. To go into a race with a plan and pull it off is one thing. Armitstead had done it on the world’s biggest stage, under the pressure of being race favourite, knowing the world’s cameras and other riders were all going to be watching her
every move.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Cycling Weekly 17th December 2015.