iDrum magazine: Never miss a beat  |  114 April 2013
In our jam-packed April issue of Drummer we chat to the ever-enthusiastic Terry Bozzio, who’s passion for playing and pushing the boundaries of drumming remains undiminished after many years as one of the world’s foremost players. In his entertaining and informative interview, he discusses listening with Zappa, playing completely in the moment and reveals his determination to continue doing what he loves despite living in financially turbulent times. We also speak to Horacio ‘El Negro’ Hernandez about working with Italian mega-star Zucchero on his recent Latin-influenced album, and get the lowdown on what’s currently happening in Horacio’s busy percussive schedule. Nigel Powell chats to us about performing in front of a TV audience of millions worldwide at last year’s Olympic opening ceremony, and how even rehearsals with Frank Turner and the Sleeping Souls took place in front of an audience bigger than attend most stadium shows. Funeral for a Friend sticksman Pat Lundy gives us an insight into life on the road with one of the UK’s heaviest acts, while young session-supremo Kaz Rodriguez tells us how he came to be known and respected by drummers around the globe for his incredible skills behind the kit and the funky, fresh drum-less tracks he regularly produces for drummers such as Aaron Spears, Tony Royster Jr. and Eric Moore. We are also joined by jazz-master Pete Cater, who gives us his final word on drumming, including some very revealing thoughts on footwear!
We also have our usual mix of tuition, reviews, features and news, including a very special announcement about this years London Drum Show taking place at London’s Olympia Conference Centre on 12-13 October.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in iDrum magazine: Never miss a beat 114 April 2013.