I’ve never done so many video conferences, to the point where they’re not even called that any longer, they’re just ‘meetings’ once more. While a lot of these have been through LXF Tower’s Google Meet system, I have had the pleasure of using Jitsi, and my word it’s accomplished - but then why wouldn’t it be?
Open source office solutions are no longer ‘also ran’ options, but first-world choices. Last issue we caught up with LibreOffice 7.0 and its many advancements, being used in governments and enterprises around the world. This issue we’re focusing how an open source smart home office looks and runs with a bit of help from the Raspberry Pi.
From setting up a low-overhead video conferencing system to collaborative document editing and sharing, to more mundane smart|home control options, this is what happens when we leave Jonni to his own devices at home for six months!