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Kinetic’s latest variation on the 1:35 scale Maxx Pro is reviewed by Andrew Judson

In recent times, US Law Enforcement Underneath the attractive box art, Kinetic’s 1:35 organisations have started using armoured scale Law Enforcement Carrier comprises 304 vehicles for units like SWAT, Rescue, and parts in grey coloured plastic, 22 photo-etched emergency response groups, for deploying parts, 25 parts in clear, and eight black vinyl parts. groups of officers and also as a protective Markings are provided for three vehicles. measure, and raiding aid. The plastic parts are mainly free from moulding This is one of the latest in their arsenal of flaws, although there are a number of sink vehicles, used by several states. marks here and there that should be filled before

The Maxpro MRAP was originally for use with construction gets underway. troops deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan, The level of overall detail is good, with the but with excess stock, the police agencies were first four steps of the instructions dealing with able to purchase these as well, offering supreme the running gear, chassis and lower hull. The “V” protection to those aboard, in our current shaped lower hull is moulded as one main piece environment. with suspension and drivetrain details being built The International MaxxPro MRAP (Mine up during these first four construction steps.

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