Street Machine  |  Issue 21
With non-stop Brexit everywhere else, we're celebrating all things British in the March issue. We lead off with a tiny Ford 100E, stuffed to bursting with 9.4 litres of big-block and tyres that could house a family of four. Next comes a pair of forgotten Seventies saloons, Triumph Dolomites, though these sing to the tune of screaming Nissan turbo four-pots. There's an old-school Mk1 Cortina family rod, and two words that don't often appear in the same sentence - a cool Sherpa! There's also the second instalment of the Auto biography of Britain's favourite custom builder, Andy Saunders; a ride across the Bonneville salt with Brit Geoff Stilwell; all the winter shows and cruises plus a round-up of some we missed last year, and much, much more, all in the March issue of Street Machine!
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Street Machine Issue 21.