Airliner World  |   March 2021
US SPECIAL: In the March 2021 edition of Airliner World, we hop across the ‘pond’ to give you a US special as we gain an exclusive inside look at JetBlue’s maiden Airbus A220. We then jump onboard American Airlines’ first fare-paying MAX service since the type’s ungrounding, and chat with the CCO of Southwest Airlines to discuss the firm’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Elsewhere, we take a fascinating look at the history of Freddie Laker’s Carvair, we gain entry to Virgin Atlantic’s much sought-after retirement party as it gives a poignant farewell to its final jumbo, conclude our two-part series on aviation’s role in vaccine logistics, and gain expert analysis from an airline pilot on the merits of home versus professional flight simulators.
Meanwhile, our very own Gordon Smith sat down with the CCO of Embraer to talk about the Brazilian manufacturer’s new strategy, including the latest information on its potential return to the turboprop market. We also hold a roundtable discussion with three pioneering female African pilots to discuss operating on the continent and how they are inspiring a younger generation.
Finally, in a special tie-up with our sister publication, Airports of the World, we chart the unique history of New York/JFK’s Terminal 7 and celebrate Heathrow Airport’s 75th anniversary with a readers’ picture special.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Airliner World March 2021.