AQ: Australian Quarterly  |  AQ: Australian Quarterly 90.4
Gone are the days of Australia being able to project a laid-back, friendly image without any scrutiny.
Currently, we’re considered a ‘bully’ in the Pacific, climate deniers in Europe, racists in Asia, and a model of admirable cruelty in Trump’s US. The world knows that we’re not doing enough to protect the Great Barrier Reef, they have seen inside our offshore detention camps, they have watched us arrest foreign journalists and attack our own press freedom.
And in a globalised world, reputation is everything. Is Australia doing enough to be considered a good global citizen?
For the 2019 Special Edition we interrogate some of the major global issues and Australia's place in the world
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in AQ: Australian Quarterly AQ: Australian Quarterly 90.4.