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AQ: Australian Quarterly Magazine AQ: Australian Quarterly 90.4 Edizione posteriore

6 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (National & Regional)
Only €3,49

Gone are the days of Australia being able to project a laid-back, friendly image without any scrutiny.

Currently, we’re considered a ‘bully’ in the Pacific, climate deniers in Europe, racists in Asia, and a model of admirable cruelty in Trump’s US. The world knows that we’re not doing enough to protect the Great Barrier Reef, they have seen inside our offshore detention camps, they have watched us arrest foreign journalists and attack our own press freedom.

And in a globalised world, reputation is everything. Is Australia doing enough to be considered a good global citizen?

For the 2019 Special Edition we interrogate some of the major global issues and Australia's place in the world
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AQ: Australian Quarterly Preview Pages AQ: Australian Quarterly Preview Pages AQ: Australian Quarterly Preview Pages AQ: Australian Quarterly Preview Pages AQ: Australian Quarterly Preview Pages AQ: Australian Quarterly Preview Pages AQ: Australian Quarterly Preview Pages AQ: Australian Quarterly Preview Pages

AQ: Australian Quarterly

AQ: Australian Quarterly 90.4 2019 AQ SPECIAL EDITION: INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Gone are the days of Australia being able to project a laid-back, friendly image without any scrutiny. Currently, we’re considered a ‘bully’ in the Pacific, climate deniers in Europe, racists in Asia, and a model of admirable cruelty in Trump’s US. The world knows that we’re not doing enough to protect the Great Barrier Reef, they have seen inside our offshore detention camps, they have watched us arrest foreign journalists and attack our own press freedom. And in a globalised world, reputation is everything. Is Australia doing enough to be considered a good global citizen? For the 2019 Special Edition we interrogate some of the major global issues and Australia's place in the world

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AQ: Australian Quarterly issue AQ: Australian Quarterly  90.4

AQ: Australian Quarterly  |  AQ: Australian Quarterly 90.4  


Gone are the days of Australia being able to project a laid-back, friendly image without any scrutiny.

Currently, we’re considered a ‘bully’ in the Pacific, climate deniers in Europe, racists in Asia, and a model of admirable cruelty in Trump’s US. The world knows that we’re not doing enough to protect the Great Barrier Reef, they have seen inside our offshore detention camps, they have watched us arrest foreign journalists and attack our own press freedom.

And in a globalised world, reputation is everything. Is Australia doing enough to be considered a good global citizen?

For the 2019 Special Edition we interrogate some of the major global issues and Australia's place in the world
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
For over 85 years AQ has been packing its pages with the country’s most distinguished and passionate thinkers, tackling the big issues in science, politics and society. No journalists, no bias, just in-depth and independent analyses of the topics that are shaping Australia.

With longer-style articles written by the people at the forefront of the debates, AQ is unique in bridging the gap between journal and magazine, combining the compelling writing of a glossy with the intellectual rigour of a journal.

If it matters to Australia then it matters to AQ. Know science, know politics, know Australian Quarterly.

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Basato su 6 Recensioni dei clienti
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Really good read on Australian politics

An interesting read for those in Europe not just in Australia Recensito 27 gennaio 2020

Top Mag for Australian Politics

Top Mag for Australian Politics, used to read this back in Oz, very high standard of political reporting. Recensito 03 marzo 2019

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