AQ: Australian Quarterly  |  AQ: Australian Quarterly 90.3
Facebook, Google, Amazon, Alibaba, has created oligarch corporations with resources (and arguably, power) greater even than most of the world's countries. And the staggering amount of money controlled by these organisations is built on the harvesting, collating and selling of your data.
This new type of hyper capitalism has now evolved to have its own classification - surveillance capitalism - the reduction of citizens to data through persistent digital surveillance.
Leading this new edition of AQ, Dr Zac Rogers suggests that, just as governments are starting to try and grapple with the fallout of this surveillance capitalism, the system is about to undergo another huge paradigm shift. And the world is unprepared for the consequences....
The new AQ also delves into the issues of Open Access to science and evidence, the issues surrounding the tragic Gazan sewage crisis and even the modern-day consequences of the Gough Whitlam dismissal.
It's a varied and engaging edition and I hope you enjoy!
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in AQ: Australian Quarterly AQ: Australian Quarterly 90.3.