Australian Country  |  26.3
Our travels start in the NSW New England region where we visited the Webb family at the cottage they have restored on their farm near Uralla. Plus we visit antique dealers Jane Crowley and her father, Athol Salter, at their neighbouring homes in the Southern Highlands town of Bowral. Then we head to the ACT to visit glass artist Brian Tunks at his showrooms at Pialligo and learn how the former classicist takes his inspiration from the glass and pottery found on archaeological digs. Next up is central Victoria, where Lisa and Paul Mack have created a beautiful home among the gum trees. We’ve also a story from the south-west of Western Australia, a travel story from Kangaroo Island in South Australia and a gorgeous garden two generations of the Crowden family has built high in the hills in north-west Tasmania. The issue is packed with design and decorating inspiration.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Australian Country 26.3.