Aviation News  |  June 2014
Midair Squadron's Canberra PR9
Geoff Jones describes the work that went into return Canberra XH134 to the skies and the formation of the Midair Squadron display team.
What’s Happening at…Bruntingthorpe
Bruntingthorpe was saved from destruction by the family business that still owns it. Today it hosts a fleet of mostly ex-military jets, with an ambition to see as many as possible ‘live’. Paul E Eden found out more.
Monarch Airlines’ A300 Farewell
Charles Kennedy was on board a special flight for enthusiasts to mark the retirement of the last passenger Airbus A300 operating in Europe.
The B-1B Lancer Enters a New Era
The B-1B Lancer was initially designed as a nuclear bomber during the Cold War. Robert F Dorr explains how it has been adapted to provide close air support to troops.
RAF Sabres
Roger Lindsay looks back over the career of the Canadair Sabre F.4 in the RAF during the Cold War.
Plus article and sections including the latest civil, military and heritage aviation news.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Aviation News June 2014.