Eye Spy  |  112
THE HALLOWEEN PLOT: NYC Attack, INTERCEPTION: NATO’s Secret Spy Wars with Moscow, 22 NOVEMBER 1963: A Million Piece Jigsaw, THE CIA at 70: Stepping Stones, SPIES IN THE MEDIA: Exhibits, Films, Museums and Auctions, FRAGMENTATION: The Bin Laden Files, UAVs: The Third User, ISIS: A Disturbing Legacy, IRAN JAILS ALLEGED MI6 SPY, MI5 WARNING: ISIS Threat, FALSE FLAG: Acoustic Attacks in Cuba, THREADS: Russian interference, COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE: Russian sponsored spy activities, PHILBY REBRANDED: Russia releases files, NIGHT OF THE LONG KNIVES: Turkey hunts for participants of the 2016 attempted coup d’etat, OPENING DOORS: The New US Embassy in London, THE PANAMA PAPERS: Journalist Assassinated, THE CIA JAR: A Secret Gift, WALLENBERG’S KGB VAULT: Russia Denies Access, plus, Andrew Parker, Sayfullo Saipov, Margarita Simonyan, Hamza bin-Laden, John F. Kennedy, Daphne Galizia, Raoul Wallenberg, Adolf Eichmann and much more....
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Eye Spy 112.