Model Engineers' Workshop Magazine  |  Mar-18
This month’s cover features Alex du Pre’s dividing head. The centre section of this month’s issue is the first of two A3 sheets for the build and Alex has also written an article on its making and use.
CONVERTING A TAILSTOCK TO CAPSTAN FEED Paul Zeusche, in the USA, describes his very neat conversion which could be applied to many different types of lathe.
LEATHER WASHERS Now obsolete, but essential to refurbish many old pump operated devices, David Dunn explains how you can make your own leather washers.
MILLING FOR BEGINNERS Jason Ballamy looks in depth at different work holding methods for the milling machine.
MEW TO THE RESCUE Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s Laurie Leonard recounting how an MEW article gave him the right pointers to resuscitate his ailing bandsaw.
ONE MAN AND HIS LATHE Australian reader, David Thomas, gives a detailed description of what many would say is Australia’s finest lathe for the home workshop.
POTTY CLAMPING DRILL Stewart Hart completes his versatile clamp drill design, including the final sheet of plans.
THE “STAR SYSTEM” AND MORE FOR PARTING OFF Jacques Maurel describes his system for making and using very thin parting blades.
SHAPING UP – CUTTING METAL Bill Morris looks in detail at the safe and effective use of a shaping machine for a variety of tasks, some of which pose a challenge for any other type of machine.
A MODERN APPROACH TO CONDENSATION MANAGEMENT Silly Old Duffer returns to explain how he used a microcontroller to help fight his condensation problem.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Model Engineers' Workshop Magazine Mar-18.