Mountain Flyer  |  Number 70
Mountain biking is defined by the trails upon which we travel. And those trails are defined by the people, places and communities that build, maintain, foster and enjoy them. Mountain Flyer No. 70 celebrates all these stories. First we dig into the trails—literally—heading to Oregon, where the volunteers and stewards of the Oregon Timber Trail are reviving the four-year-old long-distance route after a devastating summer of wildfires. Then, from central Vermont’s Slate Valley, Caitrin Maloney and the Velomont Trail Collective are building and connecting a trail that will run the length of the state. Later, on the Portuguese island of Madeira, Alex Gouveia is using ancient rockwork techniques to maintain a seaside network of world-class enduro trails. Finally we hit the trail, whether that’s The Crusher, a 100-mile self-supported race in Marquette, Michigan, or the Tour Divide, the 2,745-mile race between Canada and Mexico that photographer Eddie Clark has captured for more than a decade. And on trail, we test and review the Esker Rowl, Pivot Trail 429 and Alchemy Arktos.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Mountain Flyer Number 70.