RCM&E  |  May 2017
RCM&E is the UK's biggest and best selling R/C flying mag... take a look at the 2017 May issue, the perfect read for every flier...
Plan Features - 362 Delta - Feeling the need for speed, Shaun Garrity revisits a classic Peter Russell design that looks every bit as good now as it did back in the ‘60s.
And - Chica - Ton Van Munsteren's sport racer is a good, inexpensive first-time trad’ build project and flies a treat!
Review - 3D40 Idea Builder - Neil Wyatt unpacks Dremel's home 3D printer, then sets it to work.
Memory Jotter - Your handy model reference card.
Review - Power Pro Quad - The new charger with four output channels and a small footprint.
In for a penny PT.2 - Graham Ashby continues his turbine journey by fitting out the Xcalibur.
Review – Valiant - E-flite's exceedingly pretty cabin-wing sportster, what's not to like?
Project Harrier PT.3 - Nijhuis nurses his Harrier into the air, but at a cost...
Review - Q X7 - An entry-level radio system the FrSky way.
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Review – Conspiracy 220 - A racing quad for those who'd rather battle competitors than software.
Retro Ramblings - Shaun Garrity remembers a time when the words ‘health’ and ‘safety’ rarely appeared in the same sentence.
And much more…!
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in RCM&E May 2017.