The Northern Miner  |  Vol. 102 No. 18
1. Rye Patch scoops up Florida Canyon
2. Champion Mines optimistic at Bloom Lake
3. Zafranal could produce copper for 19 years, study says
4. Editorial: Northern Superior loses case in Ontario
5. Odds 'n' Sods: The birth of Smitheres Exploration Group's annual golf tournament
6. Market summaries: TSX, TSX-V and U.S.
7. Robinson surveys the world's lithium deposits
8. Neo Lithium hits high grade
9. Pure Energy fosters ingenuity
10. Stock and metals tables
11. Dynacor readies maiden resource at Tumipampa in Peru
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in The Northern Miner Vol. 102 No. 18.