The Northern Miner  |  Vol. 103 No. 9
1. Friedland receives Northern Miner’s Lifetime Achievement Award
2. Industry leaders debate strategy
3. Lukas Lundin on patience and his early successes
4. Pros and cons of the farm team
5. Memories of Sourdough Bay
6. Teranga eyes building Banfora in Burkina Faso in 2017
7. Imperial explores Mount Polley’s upside
8. Arizona Mining on path to zinc production at Taylor
9. Barrick joins Atac at Orion in the Yukon
10. Nighthawk cashed up, drilling 25,000 metres
11. Mawson thinks big in Finland
12. South32 strikes deal with Trilogy in Alaska’s Ambler district
13. Yukon catches more majors’ eyes
14. Darnley Bay outlines plans for Pine Point revival
15. Pure Gold hits new zone at Madsen
16. Richmont makes high-grade discovery at Island Gold mine
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in The Northern Miner Vol. 103 No. 9.