Plagued with an overworked mind? Break free of negative behavioural patterns and reset your body and mind this year, says nutritionist Louise Pyne
If you’re at constant war with your emotions, you’ll be well versed in the familiar feeling you get when things get too much. It’s remarkable how quickly your whole world can feel out of balance when just one small part of it becomes disrupted. Emotional imbalance can see both your physical health and mental wellbeing quickly plummet into a downward spiral, and after everything that’s happened over the last few months, it’s the perfect time to think about decluttering your life. “Stuck or stagnant energy, that hasn’t been processed, dealt with and moved swiftly through the body, can create havoc on your emotions and it’s a great time to work on moving this energy on and create space for the new,” says health coach and founder of Adira Lifestyle, Emily Wysock-Wright (