Bop Dead City is an independent literary quarterly with a crazy style. Read the guidelines at the website then spend $3 for a back issue to see what the editor likes. The magazine has two-month reading periods, then a month off: subs open next in December.
It needs ‘new writers who have a great story to tell’. For fiction the editors want stories, no more than 3,000 words. ‘Lean towards leaner,’ and note that ‘only one story at a time, and only one per reading period’ is the rule. Poetry may be ‘any length and in any form’. Most subjects and forms are okay, but avoid the ‘overly oblique’.
Submit work by email, but not as an attached file. Paste the work in the body of the email along with full name, contact details and a short bio. Response time is within the two months. Payment is ‘five bucks and a copy of the issue they appear in,’ for first North American serial rights.