Adbusters  |  November-December 2009
A Man of Two Faces
Spokesperson for the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and former advisor to Yasser Arafat, Bassam Abu Sharif is a man of two faces. To many he is a symbol of hope, while to others he is the “face of terror.”
The Israeli Brand
Israel launches a re-branding campaign to try and win the public relations war, but it seems that no amount of media stunts can erase the memory of the country’s recent offensive in Gaza.
Japan’s Private Worlds
Young Japanese are retreating further and further into virtual realms, leaving them increasingly unable to cope with the real world.
Google’s Revolutionary Method of Selling Online Advertising
Adbusters contributing editor Micah White asks respected digital luminaries what they think of Google’s advertising model, and whether jamming the behemoth company is a good strategy for contemporary activists.
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