Aviation Specials  |  BAe 146
Launched by Hawker Siddeley in 1973 the 146 jet airliner was shelved the following year and only kept in being through the fervent efforts of the workforce and politicians. Relaunched by British Aerospace in 1978 it entered service five years later.
The 146 made headway in a number of markets owing to its outstanding take-off and landing performance and the quietness of its engines. November 2003 marked the final delivery of this British-built airliner, but with 390 deliveries it remains the most successful British jet airliner.
The 146’s recent spectacular development as a Fire bomber in the USA, continuing airline service, use as an executive jet, in military roles and as a Meteorological research aircraft prove that the end of production was not the end of the aircraft’s usefulness. Illustrated with over 150 colour photos and large cutaway drawings, this 100-page special publication is fascinating reading for all commercial aviation enthusiasts.
Features include:
A faltering process - the origins of the 146
After its lengthy and difficult gestation the 146’s first flight on 3rd September 1981 was a relief to many.
Early years in service
The independent airline Dan-Air had the accolade of becoming the 146’s inaugural operator.
In and out of the City
The development of the 146 and London City Airport were inextricably linked.
The 146 becomes the RJ
BAe responded to the market downturn by cutting costs, limiting production, closing Hatfield and by developing the 146 into the RJ.
New role – Firefighter
More than 30 years after its maiden flight the 146/RJ is now successfully established fighting forest fires in the USA.
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