Aviation Specials  |  Hornby Great Layouts
Over its first 10 years Hornby Magazine has showcased more than 300 layouts through its pages and this year the popular Great Layouts is back for a second volume. Featuring 26 favourites from the pages of Hornby Magazine, and scales from ’N’ to Gauge 3, this new volume is fully illustrated with the very best in model photography to create an enthralling 132-pages record of model making. Highlights include main line and branch line layouts, shunting layouts, depots and more - all of which are filled with inspiration.
Features include:
Bray Down
A busy stretch of Western Region main line in ‘OO’ gauge with Southern Region operating powers and a branch line too.
Runswick Leamside
A favourite of the exhibition circuit in the 1990s, this ‘OO’ layout models the 1990s period superbly.
A wonderful recreation of a 1930s branch line scene in ‘OO’ gauge.
Lincoln & District Model Railway Club members take a change of tack with their ‘N’ gauge exhibition layout.
Warton Road
Proof that Gauge 3 can be used for an indoor exhibition layout.
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