Aviation Specials  |  RAF Annual Review 14
Produced by Key Publishing’s specialist aviation experts and featuring articles written with and by RAF personnel, RAF 2014 is a 132-page special magazine that provides behind the scenes insight into the aircraft, equipment and people of one of the world's premier air forces.
Highlights include:
The Dambusters Prepare for Herrick – Behind the scenes in 617 Sqn’s anniversary year as the squadron readied for its final Afghanistan deployment
Operation Newcombe – When the French engaged extremist forces in Mali, the RAF responded with C-17 airlift and Sentinel ISTAR support
Chinook 4, 5 and 6 – The upgraded Chinook Mk 4 in service and a look ahead at the step change in capability that the new Mk 6 delivers
Falklands Perspective – A detailed look at the RAF’s considerable capability in the Falklands, from tankers to Typhoons and radar sites, as the UK prepares for the long term
Stealing the Show – 2013 Typhoon Display Team pilot Flt Lt Jamie ‘Noz’ Norris describes the season and what it’s like to plan and fly a routine over a 500kt speed range and which takes him to 9g in less than a second
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