Aviation Specials  |  Vietnam
Vietnam - the Air War over South East Asia provides a detailed overview of the aircraft, tactics and politics employed during the Vietnam War.Packed with rare and hitherto unseen photographs this publication traces the history of the war from the late-1940s to the US withdrawal in 1975.
With details presented in an easy to follow chronological format this 100-page publication is a must-have for those interested in one of the most controversial air wars of all time.
Medals of Honor
A review of the brave airmen who were awarded the Medal of Honor for their gallant - and often hair raising - service in skies over Vietnam
Ranch Hand and Gunships
The war saw the rise of notorious combat methods; from chopper gunships to the infamous 'Agent Orange'
MiG Killers & Linebacker BUFFs
The roles of missile-equipped Phantom, carpet bombing B-52s and 'Sandy' Skyraiders discussed in detail
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