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BALLET2000 English Edition Magazine

8 Ausgaben pro Jahr   |  English
1 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Art)
From €2,25 pro Ausgabe
To discover the world of dance and ballet
Bimonthly + 1 "Special New Year" issue in January - 7 issues per year, a subscription can start at any time.

- PRINT EDITION at newsstands and by subscription worldwide
- E-MAGAZINE in this website and on Apple Store for iPad

3 separate editions: ENGLISH Edition - Édition FRANCE - Edizione ITALIA

More pages, more pictures, more news in a truly international magazine
• News from the world of dance.
• Reviews about ballet and contemporary dance performances in Europe and elsewhere by the best-known international critics.
• “The coverage", based on the topic dancer, choreographer or company, to which the cover is dedicated.
• Multimedia: video, web, TV, books.
• The calendar of the dance performances in Europe.
• TV programmes: dance on the cultural channels in Europe, the dates and the programmes.
• Dance on the Web.
• A remarkable number of colour photos by the best dance photographers.
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BALLET2000 English Edition Preview Pages BALLET2000 English Edition Preview Pages BALLET2000 English Edition Preview Pages BALLET2000 English Edition Preview Pages BALLET2000 English Edition Preview Pages BALLET2000 English Edition Preview Pages BALLET2000 English Edition Preview Pages BALLET2000 English Edition Preview Pages

BALLET2000 English Edition

BALLET2000 n°298 N. 298 - October/November 2024 Russian dancers in the West The world of ballet has not been able to remain untouched by the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Russian ballet dancers have always been widely held to be true exemplars of classical dancing, but they now find themselves blacklisted for ‘political’ reasons which ignores their intrinsic as artists. Let us look at the several Russian dancers who have left the country of their birth in order to pursue careers in both the USA and Europe. 4 News – from the dance world 20 Cover feature Russian dancers in the West 30 Focus choreographers Marine Brutti (La Horde) Ballet de Marseille 32 On stage – the critics -Venice Dance Biennale -Ballet Preljocaj -The Royal Ballet -Lyon Opera Ballet -Wayne McGregor Company -Paris Opéra Ballet -Northern Ballet -Hofesh Schechter Company -Emanuel Gat Dance -Ballet de l’Opéra du Rhin -CNCD Angers -Cloud Gate Dance Theatre 44 Close-up Pilar López 46 farewell Marina Kondratieva, Beppe Menegatti, Dominique Dupuis, Michaela DePrince 48 MultiMedia : TV, Web, DVD, Cinema, Books...

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Issue Cover

BALLET2000 English Edition  |  BALLET2000 n°298  

N. 298 - October/November 2024
Russian dancers in the West

The world of ballet has not been able to remain untouched by the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Russian ballet dancers have always been widely held to be true exemplars of classical dancing, but they now find themselves blacklisted for ‘political’ reasons which ignores their intrinsic as artists. Let us look at the several Russian dancers who have left the country of their birth in order to pursue careers
in both the USA and Europe.

4 News – from the dance world

20 Cover feature
Russian dancers in the West

30 Focus choreographers
Marine Brutti (La Horde) Ballet de Marseille

32 On stage – the critics
-Venice Dance Biennale
-Ballet Preljocaj
-The Royal Ballet
-Lyon Opera Ballet
-Wayne McGregor Company
-Paris Opéra Ballet
-Northern Ballet
-Hofesh Schechter Company
-Emanuel Gat Dance
-Ballet de l’Opéra du Rhin
-CNCD Angers
-Cloud Gate Dance Theatre

44 Close-up
Pilar López

46 farewell
Marina Kondratieva, Beppe Menegatti, Dominique Dupuis, Michaela DePrince

48 MultiMedia :
TV, Web, DVD, Cinema, Books...
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To discover the world of dance and ballet
Bimonthly + 1 "Special New Year" issue in January - 7 issues per year, a subscription can start at any time.

- PRINT EDITION at newsstands and by subscription worldwide
- E-MAGAZINE in this website and on Apple Store for iPad

3 separate editions: ENGLISH Edition - Édition FRANCE - Edizione ITALIA

More pages, more pictures, more news in a truly international magazine
• News from the world of dance.
• Reviews about ballet and contemporary dance performances in Europe and elsewhere by the best-known international critics.
• “The coverage", based on the topic dancer, choreographer or company, to which the cover is dedicated.
• Multimedia: video, web, TV, books.
• The calendar of the dance performances in Europe.
• TV programmes: dance on the cultural channels in Europe, the dates and the programmes.
• Dance on the Web.
• A remarkable number of colour photos by the best dance photographers.

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