Big Carp Magazine  |  Big Carp 298
Spring Success!
Before I give you a brief insight into what this month's issues involve, I just wanted to mention HS2, I have tried to keep all the latest information confined to my editorial at the front of Free Line magazine, firstly so it’s current and secondly so it's not duplicated in the two titles. You know my love of the Colne Valley goes back a long way, well over 30 years but I just thought I would mention here how desperately sad I am regarding the carnage this project has caused. Let alone the billions of pounds which I am sure could have been spent on many of the poor charities who have suffered during Covid-19. And for what? So a few people can travel a few minutes quicker between two cities. It makes me cry, it really does. Is a few minutes saved really worth all this? Surely somebody got it wrong?
So, to this month's issue and you will not be disappointed I promise you. Cover story this month is Rick Shaw and an incredible common from his Kent syndicate. Rick described himself as the luckiest man alive, who could argue? Next an article I have been bugging this guy to write for almost a year, Stuart Higgs is no stranger to Big Carp and also frequently appeared in the other mags that have now gone out of business. Stuart stuck to his word, he never said no, he always said there were just a few more to catch and he would do it. It's a huge piece, filled with massive scaly beasts, I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I did. Nathan 'snowy' Sharp has kept us entertained with his unique style and ability to catch consistently throughout the past year or so, thanks mate. Two great tales from the river bank this month too from Scruffy Bob and Martin Wildman, who both succeeded despite this year's restrictions.
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