Classic Truck (OLD)  |  Dynamic DAF
We start on a sombre note, marking the passing of Martin Phippard, a shining light in the road transport industry – a man with a passion for all things truck – who finally succumbed to motor neurone disease in November, just a couple of weeks after his 70th birthday (see page 6).
We can recommend a couple of great books (see page 12). The first covers drawbar outfits, the second the trucks and equipment used in the flour haulage business down through the ages. Two interesting tomes we
reckon you’ll love reading. A star among classics is a restored Volvo F10 that found itself in a prominent role in a recent screenplay called Truckers (page 14), while our Model Profile this issue spotlights the Scammell Crusader – a truck designed, built (on a budget) and introduced to address a weight limit increase (page 20). Vaughan Pearce went from mechanic to driver to owner-driver and has restored a beautiful DAF 2800 as a tribute to one he ran some years earlier (page 28), and we bring
you some tasty classic Scanias we found at a driver competition in Sweden (page 36). Peter Davies has been delving deep into his archives again (page 38 ) and has come up with another cracking selection of photographs of trucks at work in the 1990s. How many of us wish we’d carried a camera and snapped the trucks we used and saw back then?
Showing classics is one thing, but we like them when they are working too, and Classic Truck was lucky enough to be invited to share a drive of an ERF EC11 with the brilliant Twin-Splitter gearbox. Turn to page 44 to see how well we fared! The Great Dorset Steam Fair this year celebrated its 45th year, and ERF was there continuing its 80th birthday celebrations
(page 52), while starting on page 56 we have some great memories of trucks in the Netherlands from Wobbe Reitsma. Stephen Forster has been busy with his camera (page 60) and The Vault this issue follows a 350 tonne steam generator movement in Spain using two powerful Hayes tractors (page 63). Reader Jim
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