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Coast Magazine Sep-24 Zurück Ausgabe

29 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Family & Home (Home Interest)
Only €5,99
In the September issue of Coast, we reveal our Ultimate Beach Guide, highlighting 25 stretches of shoreline which are our top choices for you to visit.

We list 20 great coastal spots to take your campervan and we visit Carmarthenshire to discover its amazing beaches and wonderful hotels.

We have a detailed guide to the forthcoming Southampton International Boat Show, and we also take to the seas off Norfolk on a special wildlife-spotting sailing trip.

We spend a weekend in The Wirral, and we have the insider’s guide to moving to The Helford, a gorgeous creek in Cornwall. And if you are planning a seaside move, don’t miss our expert’s view of how to choose your estate agent.

We have no less than THREE competitions - to win a year’s supply of fresh seafood, a place on a coastal art course or the chance to go foraging for food on the south Wales coast.

We have four fab coastal walks to try and don’t miss our extensive Sea Dogs pages with lots of doggie holiday and product news, plus who has made the list as one of our six Dogs of the Month?
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Sep-24 In the September issue of Coast, we reveal our Ultimate Beach Guide, highlighting 25 stretches of shoreline which are our top choices for you to visit. We list 20 great coastal spots to take your campervan and we visit Carmarthenshire to discover its amazing beaches and wonderful hotels. We have a detailed guide to the forthcoming Southampton International Boat Show, and we also take to the seas off Norfolk on a special wildlife-spotting sailing trip. We spend a weekend in The Wirral, and we have the insider’s guide to moving to The Helford, a gorgeous creek in Cornwall. And if you are planning a seaside move, don’t miss our expert’s view of how to choose your estate agent. We have no less than THREE competitions - to win a year’s supply of fresh seafood, a place on a coastal art course or the chance to go foraging for food on the south Wales coast. We have four fab coastal walks to try and don’t miss our extensive Sea Dogs pages with lots of doggie holiday and product news, plus who has made the list as one of our six Dogs of the Month?

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Highly entertaining

Lots of great writers add to this magazine Überprüft 25 April 2022


Keep going! Überprüft 27 Februar 2020

Fascinating magazine

Ideal for all those who are interested in coastal scenery Überprüft 27 Juni 2019


What a lovely magazine, the photography is just breath taking, got to move to the south coast now! Überprüft 16 Juli 2013
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