Craft Stamper  |  Craft Stamper - June 2011
Hello! It’s the June issue, and you know what that means - Father’s Day! I know a lot of our readers struggle with makes for the men in their lives, but fear not we have some great ideas for you in this issue! Instead of a card, why not make Debbie’s stunning faux wallet gift card? It’s such a clever project, but deceptively simple (p.28). Or, if your father is a wine lover, then Kate;s fabulous altered wine bottle box could be the perfect way to transform that supermarket bottle of wine into a very special treat (p.36).
If masculine makes aren’t your thing, don’t worry. There are plenty of pretty, feminine projects too. On page 46 Rachel shows you how to work with beautifully pearlescent Silkies paints; on page 74 you’ll find Gail’s charming no-sew sampler, and if you enjoyed Judy’s skin tone colouring tutorial last month, then head over to page 24 where she shows you similar techniques for achieving realistic-looking hair colour.
Finally, I’ll just mention our new Meet & Greet feature, starting this issue. Here you’ll learn more about the team of talented designers who make Craft Stamper magazine possible. Turn to page 84 to find out what makes regular contributor Helen Chilton tick! Enjoy!
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