Doctor Who Magazine  |  The Essential Doctor Who 13: Science and Technology
Ever since the TARDIS was first revealed in 1963, Doctor Who has presented a bewildering array of alien technology and gadgetry. Human scientific knowledge can do nothing to explain the mysteries of the astonishing devices and phenomena that the Doctor takes for granted.
This is the first publication devoted to the incredible ideas that the series has made its own. Highlights include a comprehensive guide to the sonic screwdriver, the secrets of the Time Lords and the weaponry of the Doctor’s most dangerous enemies.
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Doctor Who Magazine is the official magazine of the hugely successful BBC TV drama series Doctor Who, with each issue containing exclusive news, interviews, features and photos about the show.
The go-to source for fans since 1979, Doctor Who Magazine works closely with the makers of the show to present exclusive interviews with the stars, as well revealing behind-the-scenes secrets from all eras of the show, from 1963 to the present day.
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