Embroidery Magazine  |  Jan/Feb 2025
If you’re wondering what 2025 holds for you, wonder no more. Embroidery magazine’s Jan/Feb issue includes a full rundown of compelling exhibitions and events throughout the year and across the UK.
Our incredible Natural Woman cover star is by Fiona Cowell. Inside, we catch up with Fiona and the creators of the wealth of brilliant artworks from this year's prestigious Hand and Lock Prize for Embroidery.
You’ll also be able to meet the Guild Grads who represent the future of our art, along with the recipient of QEST’s Rising Star Craft Award, Hanny Newton.
We’re excited about previewing Balinese artist Citra Sasmita’s exhibition at the Barbican; the touring show Made in the Middle, which highlights crafters from the Midlands; and some of the selection panel’s choices for The Broderers’ Exhibition: The Art of Embroidery.
Pictorial extravaganzas come in the form of profiles of Swedish artist and environmentalist Britta Marakatt Labba, and Carola van Dyke, who delights in the droop of a petal.
With all your favourites too, from a quick rundown of holidays and retreats in Out and About to the Somerset Sewing Room of Sian Martin, plus Take 5 Books, it’s too good to miss!
We hope you enjoy the issue…
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